Council looking at measures to extend rates discount period


Gympie Regional Council is putting a recommendation together for the newly elected council to extend the early payment discount on rates until July 2020 for any ratepayer who has entered into a payment plan.

This recommendation will be delivered to the new council when it sits for its first ordinary meeting.  

“We appreciate it is a difficult time for the community, and some ratepayers have found themselves in challenging financial circumstances,” Gympie Regional Council CEO Bernard Smith said.

“Many of you have called us especially regarding the possibility of the discount period being extended for the payment of rates.” 

“Council is still in caretaker mode given the election has now been held but the results not yet declared, and it is only Council which can make any decisions regarding the discounting of rates.” 

“However, as soon as practicable after the new council is in place, officers will be putting a recommendation that any ratepayer who has entered into a payment plan, with full payment by July, will keep their discount.” 

“We will continue to live stream council meetings, so you will know the outcomes as soon as they happen. “

“I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the community for its understanding as we closed playgrounds, skate parks and other community facilities. By working together, we’re all playing our role in keeping our community safe, “he said.

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