Varroa mite

What is Varroa Mite?

  • Varroa mites are the size of a pinhead, and are a parasite of honey bees. If left untreated, these mites kill honey bee nests and hives.

What risk does Varroa Mite present to our region?

  • Varroa Mite has been detected in New South Wales. To reduce the spread, you cannot move bees, beehives, used beekeeping equipment or bee products (including honey) to Queensland from New South Wales unless compliant with the Queensland movement control order. Read the movement control order and visit the Business Queensland eHub for more information.

How do I report Varroa Mite?

  • Monitor your hives for unexpected hive deaths, deformed bees, parasites, poor brood patterns and dead brood.

Use the Business Queensland Bee 123 online form to report any checks you make on your hives.




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