Popes Road & Myall Street Footpath
Works will include:
Construction of a 1.2m (nominal) wide concrete pathway along Popes Road, linking the existing pathway network on Louisa Street. The pathway will extend along Myall Street to connect with the existing pathway on Pine Street.
Northern side of Popes Road and eastern side of Myall Street.
The pathway will meander within the grassed verge to avoid existing power poles and trees. Where avoidance is not possible, selective tree removal or pruning will be carried out to achieve the desired alignment.
Driveway Connections:
The pathway will tie into existing constructed driveways where feasible, minimising the need for driveway reconstruction.
Some driveways will require reconstruction to accommodate appropriate pathway grades.
Total Length: Approximately 840 metres of new footpath.
Project timeline
Construction of the new pathway will commence in late March 2025 and be completed by mid 2025, weather permitting.
Proudly funded by the Queensland Government through the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme and Gympie Regional Council.
Residents will still be able to access their properties. If works are being undertaken across driveways, residents will be advised.
Construction will be undertaken between 6am to 6pm weekdays.
A small number of trees on the Council verge along the planned foothpath will need to be removed. These will be removed If you have received notification that the trees outside your property are to be removed, no need to do anything. You will be notified and informed of removal dates prior to the start of work.
If the work impacts existing driveways, Council will connect the pathway to them. In cases where driveway reconstruction is required due to pathway grading, Council will contact affected residents to discuss the process.
Additional Information
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