Help and Resources

Information on the grants process, application writing tips, Grant Writing workshops and other funding opportunities.

  • Grant rounds

    2024/2025 Community Grants Program has categories in three funding rounds:

    • One Rolling Round
    • Two Competitive Rounds

    Go to Community-grants-program for more information about Council’s Community Grants Program rounds and categories.

    Project delivery timeframe

    Funded projects must be delivered within 12 months of the outcome notification date of the round, excluding Environment Program category and Community Events categories which can be delivered over a 3-year timeframe. Where multi-year funding is allocated, subsequent years of funding will be conditional upon:

    ·       council’s budget availability

    ·       the organisation’s compliance with funding conditions

    ·       the organisation delivering agreed outcomes

    Projects cannot commence prior to notification date of the round to which the application has been submitted (excluding multi-year grant categories).

    Applicant eligibility

    Council’s Community Grants Program is open to applications from community organisations that:

    ·       Are an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation (including not-for-profit co-operatives and companies limited by guarantee), or unincorporated community groups that have an auspice arrangement with an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation  

    ·       Hold $20M public liability insurance and other forms of insurance relevant to the project (see Insurance Coverage for External Parties Policy)

    ·       Have no outstanding debt with Council or have entered into scheduled payment arrangements with council which are being adhered to, and/or have met acquittal conditions for previous council grants

    ·       Are based in, or provide direct benefits to, the Gympie region.

    To determine the status of a community organisation, council officers reference the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) Charity Register and/or ABN Lookup.

    Project and expense eligibility

    Projects eligible for funding must:

    • Demonstrate a purpose that is in the public interest with significant community need and/or benefit
    • Address the purpose and priorities of the grant category being applied to
    • Demonstrate alignment with council’s priorities as described in current council strategies, plans or policy positions
    • Adhere to the terms and conditions of this funding program.

    For category specific project and expense eligibility, please refer to the 2024-25 GRC Community Grants Guidelines - Community, Events, Environment 

    Number of Applications Per Round

    • Competitive Round: Only one application per organisation per competitive round. Auspice organisations are permitted to submit one application for their own organisation and one application on behalf of an un-incorporated group; AND                                              
    • Rolling Round: One application per organisation per category in the rolling round. Auspice organisations are permitted to submit one application for their own organisation per category and two applications on behalf of un-incorporated groups.                                         

    Please note:  A project/event cannot be funded through both a competitive grant round and rolling grant round (e.g. an applicant cannot apply for a Local Event grant and a Venue Fee Waiver grant for the same project).

    Further, a project cannot be funded through Council’s Community Grants Program if the same project has already secured funding through a Council Sponsorship arrangement.

    Land Owners Consent

    • For projects on Council owned or controlled land: applicants proposing to undertake projects must obtain Council’s consent prior to progressing their application. To seek this consent, please contact Council’s Property Team before you commence your application via  

    Note: please allow up to 21 days for land owner requests

    • For events or festivals on Council owned or controlled land: applicants proposing to undertake events or festivals must make an application for use of Council’s Public Spaces prior to progressing their application. For more information and to download an application form go to 
    • For projects on non-Council land: written consent from the land owner or trustee of the land must be submitted with the application. If the applicant organisation is the owner of the subject land, a copy of the last rates notice must be submitted with the application.

    Before you apply

    Applicants are encouraged to speak with a member of Council’s Community Development Team and/or attend a Council Grants Information Session. Visit for session times and to register.

    Submitting an application

    Applications must be submitted via Council’s online grant portal at

    No late or incomplete grants will be accepted.

    Supporting Documents

    • Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance (compulsory for all applications)
    • Written quotes for expenses over $1,000 must be supplied
    • See grant categories for specific required support material

    Other supporting documents can include and is not limited to:

    • Evidence of financial position of the organisation in the form of the financial statement endorsed or presented at last AGM
    • Business, strategic, feasibility or other planning documents
    • Evidence of community need
    • Letters of support from stakeholders
    • Evidence of confirmation of availability of key personnel, performers, facilitators referred to in the application
    • Event or workshop programs

    Successful applicants

    Successful applicants are advised by email via SmartyGrants and provided instructions on the next steps required to receive the grant payment.

    Unsuccessful applicants

    Unsuccessful applicants are invited to seek feedback about their application by contacting the Grants team on 1300 307 800 or emailing


  • What is a Funding Agreement?

    If your application for funding is successful, a Funding Agreement will be added to your SmartyGrants account and an email sent to the primary contact for your organisation. This agreement will outline the conditions of funding and the requirements for processing your grant payment.

    The Funding Agreement must be completed prior to the release of funds.


    Completing a Funding Agreement

    Successful applicants receive an email notifying that a Funding Agreement form has been added to the original grant application.

    • Follow the link in the email sent or log into SmartyGrants
    • Please use the same email address and password you used in your application. If you do not know the email address, contact the Community Development Team. If you have forgotten your password click on “Forgotten your password” and follow the instructions.
    • After logging in, click on 'My Submissions' at the top right of the screen.
    • Click on your relevant Funding Agreement form near the top of the screen
    • Complete and submit your Funding Agreement form. This includes uploading an invoice for the approved funding amount (tax invoice for GST registered organisation).

    If you are unable to find your Funding Agreement form, please contact the Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 or email, quoting your application number



    Once your Funding Agreement has been completed (which includes submission of an invoice for the grant amount) the funds will be released into your nominated account via electronic fund transfer.


    Commencement of your project

    Your project may commence once successful notification has been received, or as outlined in your funding agreement.


    How do I acknowledge council funding?

    When you receive a council grant, you will be obliged to acknowledge this funding publicly. Please refer to the Funding Agreement provided for more information.



    Sometimes things don't go to plan. The development or delivery of projects may be impacted by a variety of factors both within and outside of the grant recipient’s control. If you require a project variation or an extension of your project dates, contact the Community Development Team via with the details of your issues and to seek advice as soon as practical so Council can consider your request.


    What is an acquittal?

    An acquittal is a report submitted by the successful applicant detailing project outcomes and how funds received from council were spent. This should align to their funding agreement. All grant funding must be acquitted and must be completed online through your SmartyGrants portal.

    Grant recipients must complete an online Acquittal within four weeks of the end of the project delivery timeframe for the funding round, unless an extension is provided in writing by Council.

    The grant recipient must include evidence in the Acquittal of:

    • grant expenditure (e.g. tax invoices)
    • acknowledgement of funding
    • project delivery (e.g. photos or event or construction)
    • quantifiable data (e.g. number of trees planted, event attendees)

    Organisations cannot be considered for further council funding if previous grant acquittal conditions have not been met (e.g a previously funded project has an overdue acquittal).


    Completing online Acquittals

    Funded applicants receive an email notifying that an Acquittal form has been added to the original grant application.

    • Follow the link in the email sent or log into SmartyGrants
    • Please use the same email address and password you used in your application. If you do not know the email address, contact the Community Development Team. If you have forgotten your password click on “Forgotten your password” and follow the instructions.
    • After logging in, click on 'My Submissions' at the top right of the screen.
    • Click on your relevant Acquittal form near the top of the screen
    • Complete and submit your Acquittal form.

    If you are unable to find your acquittal form, please call the Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 or email, quoting your application number.

  • Here are a variety of useful steps you can take, both before and during the application process, to give you the best chance of success.


    Before you seek funding and apply


    Develop a project plan

    • Why does this project need to happen?
    • What are you proposing to do?
    • What will success for this project look like?
    • How are you going to achieve this?
    • Where are the main activities happening?
    • When are the key dates and milestones?
    • Who is involved in the project and do they have the skills necessary?
    • What type of costs are involved? Be realistic in estimating costs and consider getting detailed quotes.


    Research and gather evidence

    • Who has done this type of project before? Talk to subject experts.  Learn from their experiences.
    • What are the statistics or results that support the need or benefit of your project? Consider using relevant demographics.
    • Are any permissions required – planning approvals, public land permits?


    Identify potential funding sources

    • Research what type of organisations fund the type of project you are planning.
    • Consider various opportunities to generate income, such as: fundraising, sponsorship, crowd-funding, partnerships, investments, loans, sales, and membership fees.
    • Be brave and creative – look for mutually beneficial partnerships.
    • Discuss your funding needs with your existing networks to explore opportunities for advice and further connections.


    Get to know your proposed funders

    • Read the relevant funding program guidelines and consider the assessment criteria.
    • Look at the type of projects they have funded in the past.
    • Ensure both your organisation and your project are eligible.
    • Be clear on what is eligible for funding in each funding program.
    • Call and speak to the funders – ask them about what they are trying to achieve with their funding program.


    Ready to start your application?


    Start drafting early

    • Check funding round’s closing date and time.
    • Allow time to gather all your supporting documents.
    • Allow time to ask questions and revise your application.
    • Submit with time to spare in case of technological faults.


    Ensure your application is clear and concise

    • Keep your project plan in mind and ensure you are clear in communicating what you are going to do.
    • Stay relevant to your audience and avoid fancy jargon, unexplained acronyms and broad meaningless statements that are not evidenced.
    • Write in a reader-friendly way.


    Be a compelling communicator

    • Stand out and sell your project – why is this project important?
    • Do not assume the assessors know about your organisation and the work you do.
    • Show that your organisation has experience and is capable of undertaking this project.
    • Ask an honest friend to proof read your application – ask them to find errors, and ask them to make sure it includes all the detail needed to make sense.


    Link with funder’s priorities

    • Show how you will achieve the priorities listed by your funder.
    • Use headings to ensure you address all the relevant priorities.


    Support your application

    • Attach relevant evidence of support for your project by stakeholders
    • Include evidence of any permissions, permits or approvals you require
    • Provide any plans that provide background or context to the project
    • Provide your budget and consider how you would proceed with the project in the event of part-funding.



    If you are looking for tools to make planning and delivering community events easier, the Queensland Government has best practice guidelines for event delivery.

  • Gympie Regional Council, through the Community Development Team, run a variety of sessions and workshops throughout the year to support community groups in applying for funding. Current sessions are listed at

    Should you need more help, please contact the Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 or

  • Flood Recovery

    A variety of funding and other support is available for community organisations, businesses and individuals who have been impacted by flooding and weather events in the region. Go to


    Community Info Share

    Community Info Share is a regular email newsletter providing community organisations updates on resources, events, training, workshops, programs and funding opportunities on the Gympie Region.

    If your organisation is interested in joining the mailing list please CLICK HERE>

    You can submit information about your organisations events or activities to be included in the Community Info Share to

  • You can find information on using SmartyGrants online or frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    Should you need more help, please contact the Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 or

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