While many people think asbestos in only found in fibro homes, it can be found in many homes built or renovated before 1987.
Asbestos can be anywhere in the home including behind walls, in floors and even chook yards and backyard sheds.
When you are doing renovations or maintenance you need to be careful not to be exposed to any fibres.
Using a high pressure hose on a roof containing asbestos is not only illegal, it can break the surface and force asbestos debris into the air.
You can be fined up to $10,000 as well as any clean-up costs if you do not handle this product correctly.
Asbestos cement roofs are not a risk to human health and can be left alone until they are no longer water tight.
Your local roof restoration company, paint supplier or hardware store can help you with choosing fungicides and sealants to use so you can avoid the need to clean the roof.
For more information visit or call the Workplace Health and Safety Infoline on 1300 369 915.