Gympie Flood Risk Management Study and Plan

Gympie is one of the most flood prone towns in southeast Queensland, with moderate and major flooding impacting the region every 10 years since records began in 1870, with the second largest flood event on record in the Mary River impacting the Gympie CBD and region in February 2022.

Council have embarked on a process to gain a better understanding of flood risk, the real cost of flooding to the community, and to identify options and opportunities to manage flood risk - both now and into the future.

The purpose of this Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan project is to identify potential options to manage the flood risk across the region. The primary objectives of this project are to:

  • Demonstrate best practice and set expectations for local flood risk management.
  • Understand current and future flood risk across the study area, this includes considering the impact of climate change and future development.
  • Identify and assess the full range of flood risk management options.
  • Provide the required information to inform studies, policy, planning, community education and future investment decisions.

Community feedback

Council sought community feedback through 'Have Your Say' and community drop-in sessions held from February to March 2024. Throughout the project the community will play an important role in shaping how future floods are planned for and managed.

If you would like more information on how floods impact new building work, please visit:

Jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements



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