Public Notice - Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013 Amendment Package 3
Gympie Regional Council
Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013 Amendment Package 3
Notice is given under the Planning Act 2016, that on 28 August 2024, Gympie Regional Council resolved to adopt Amendment Package 3 to the Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013. The amendment makes major and administrative amendments to the planning scheme and an amendment to a planning scheme policy (PSP).
The purpose and general effect of the amendments comprising Amendment Package 3 is to:
• address specific changes to the Southside Local Development Area (LDA) including the rezoning of the Low Impact Industry land to Residential Living and Limited Development – Constrained land (to reflect flooding constraints) consistent with the Southside Structure Plan;
• increase the number of caravans, tent sites or cabins permitted as ‘accepted development subject to requirements’ within the Rural zone from four (4) caravans, tent sites or cabins to eight (8);
• clarification of the levels of assessment for operational work and for dwelling houses proposed on unmaintained road;
• include additional assessment benchmarks for Tourist parks on Council owned or controlled land;
• update the design criteria in Planning Scheme Policy 1: Development Standards
• make minor administrative corrections
The commencement date for Amendment Package 3 is 1 October 2024, having effect from this date to form a new version, Version 4, of the Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013.
The Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013 Version 4 will be available for inspection and purchase at Council’s Planning and Development office located at 29 Channon Street, Gympie during normal office hours. Copies will also be available on Council’s website at: from the 1 October 2024.
Robert Jennings – Chief Executive Officer