Boonara Cemetery
- Phone
- 1300 307 800
- Address
7181 Burnett Highway
Goomeri QLD 4601 - Description
Enquiry hours
8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Interment options
- Monumental
- Lawn
- Ashes interment.
This small churchyard cemetery is situated at the back of a small wooden church, St David's, on the Burnett Highway, 13 km north of Goomeri, adjacent to Boonara Homestead. Boonara Homestead is the grand colonial home built in 1862 for David Jones of Sydney (namesake of the Department Store). David Jones had pastoral leases in the area, and descendants are to be found in the churchyard. Sometimes the property supported the emporium, at other times, vice versa.
- Map