Author Talk: Lillian Muchiri
Lillian Muchiri’s book, Looking Back to Move Forward, is inspired by her childhood growing up in a small village in Kenya.
Lillian Muchiri’s book, Looking Back to Move Forward, is inspired by her childhood growing up in a small village in Kenya. Her Mum was married as a third wife to her father and she grew up as one of 19 children in one compound. There was chaos and deprivation. Women were still treated like objects with minimal change. Her Mum was beaten almost every day, but she couldn’t leave because she had nowhere to go as she couldn’t return to her home. Her book encourages people to never give up and also urges young people to take opportunities to make a better life. Speaks against bullying and spreads a message of kindness. Join us for an amazing talk about kindness, overcoming hardship and new beginnings.
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