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Mary Valley Rail Trail

Mary valley rail trail mapThis trail is from Imbil to Brooloo and uses part of the old Mary Valley railway line. The trail is 4.7km long and suitable for walkers, mountain bikers and horse riders. It is a shared-use unsealed road.

The trail features water crossings, and you will see parts of the former railway.

Entry is from William Street, Imbil and Sutton Street, Brooloo. You can bring your dog, but please keep it on a leash at all times.

View the Mary Valley Rail Trailhead Sign.

Funded by the Queensland Government in association with Gympie Regional Council.

Mary Valley Rail Trail Feasibility Study

Gympie Regional Council is undertaking a feasibility study into the development of Stage two of the Mary Valley Rail Trail.  This study is investigating two future sections of trail from Imbil to Kandanga and from Kandanga to Amamoor following on from the section of trail that was opened in 2019 from Brooloo to Imbil.   

Rail Trails are a reuse of abandoned railway corridors for outdoor recreation activities including bushwalking, mountain bike riding and horse riding. The study will consider engineering, environmental, heritage and economic impacts as part of the feasibility investigation. 

As part of the study, we want to hear from the community.

Online Survey

The survey is now closed

Drop In sessions

Want to know more about this project? We have set up two drop-in sessions, we hope to see you there!

  • Tuesday 19 September                Kandanga Public Hall                    between 5pm – 7pm
  • Wednesday 20 September          Mary Valley Memorial Hall           between 5pm – 7pm

In this section