Solid Numbers Through Gympie Saleyards


The Gympie Saleyards is a Gympie Regional Council asset that facilitates one of the largest economic drivers in the region.

Despite challenges around COVID-19, last week the saleyards had more than 1,950 head of cattle through. Prices reached an impressive $4.80 per kilo.

“It is very encouraging to see the movement which is occurring at the saleyards, despite some obvious challenges,” said Councillor Dan Stewart.

“The cattle market is holding solid at the moment and that is good news for our local primary producers.

“The by-product of a healthy market is the benefit to our region’s economy, our residents and those who make their living from the land.

“There is definitely a positive flow on effect from a successful sale,” Cr Stewart said.

The next sale will be held on Monday, 31 August 2020.