Have A Say On Our Most Precious Resource


Water is our most precious resource. Each year, Gympie Regional Council supplies 4,000 megalitres of tap water to over 13,000 properties.

Council also removes and treats 2,600 megalitres of waste water (sewage) from 12,000 residential and commercial customers.

“Providing a water service of this scale means Council has certain obligations,” said Stephen Jewell, manager of Gympie Regional Council’s Water Business Unit.

“We are constantly assessing how we deliver our services.

“Because Council has over 10,000 connections, the Queensland Government required the organisation to conduct a Public Benefit Assessment of its water and wastewater activities. The Public Benefit Assessment guides how Council complies with National Competition Policy requirements,” Mr Jewell said.

Gympie Regional Council has a responsibility to make sure its water services are run efficiently and in a cost-effective way, as if it was a private-sector business.

Council used an independent assessor to conduct the Public Benefit Assessment to ensure it was completely unbiased.

Head to www.gympie.qld.gov.au to have your say.