Media Reponses (24 January - 28 January)


Media Reponses (24 January - 28 January)

CONTENT: Widgee Multi-lot Subdivision 

Gympie Today: 25 January – Widgee Multi-lot Subdivision


[Gympie Woolooga Rd Development Application] Why was it approved?


Gympie Regional Council encourages the community to make submissions on development applications that are made available for comment as part of its approval process.

The development application for 2110 Gympie Woolooga Road, Widgee received 33 submissions during its consultation period in 2016.

The application was originally approved by Gympie Regional Council in February 2020 with conditions. The developer was dissatisfied with some of the conditions, particularly those relating to the environmental covenant along Little Widgee Creek, which specified a distance of 50m from the centre of the creek. The developer requested that council reconsider its decision.

Council revisited its original decision, amended some of the conditions, and issued a negotiated approval in April 2020.

The developer remained dissatisfied with the conditions required by Council and appealed the decision with the State Government’s Planning and Environment Court. As part of the appeals process, anyone who made a submission on the original development application was invited to contribute to the appeals process. Flooding was a key issue considered throughout the appeals process.


The court’s decision was finalised in November 2021. The primary changes from Council’s negotiated approval was a refinement and narrowing of the environmental covenant along Little Widgee Creek, as well as changes to street lighting conditions.

Documents relating to this matter are available for public viewing on DAs Online (Year: 2014 / Application number: 775) .

All development applications are assessed in accordance with the Gympie Regional Council’s Planning Scheme. Historical flood mapping data is used to support these decisions, with all development currently required to address Q100 flood events.  Council also considers issues of stormwater drainage, sewerage and water infrastructure as part of any development application approval process, and will sometimes include a requirement for the developer to provide key infrastructure as part of the development conditions, which is at the developer’s cost.

The Gympie Regional Council’s Planning Scheme 2013 will soon be up for review. The community will be invited to have their say on the types of development that should be supported in different areas of our region later this year.


Gympie Living: 25 January – Widgee Multi-lot Subdivision


1) Due to flooding issues do you believe this is suitable site for building properties on?

2) Is it correct that Allen-Co Holdings Pty Ltd is now able to advertise the land sites for sale to the public?

3) Given the likelihood that with climate change flooding will get worse in the coming years how will perspective buyers be assured the land they purchase to build properties on will not be subject to severe flooding and who may in turn take legal action against Gympie Regional Council for providing a DA for these sites?

4) If GRC has given approval to this DA is there any legal encumbrance on the title or for any sale?


Gympie Regional Council encourages the community to make submissions on development applications that are made available for comment as part of its approval process.

The development application for 2110 Gympie Woolooga Road, Widgee received 33 submissions during its consultation period in 2016.

The application was originally approved by Gympie Regional Council in February 2020 with conditions. The developer was dissatisfied with some of the conditions, particularly those relating to the environmental covenant along Little Widgee Creek, which specified a distance of 50m from the centre of the creek. The developer requested that council reconsider its decision.

Council revisited its original decision, amended some of the conditions, and issued a negotiated approval in April 2020.

The developer remained dissatisfied with the conditions required by Council and appealed the decision with the State Government’s Planning and Environment Court. As part of the appeals process, anyone who made a submission on the original development application was invited to contribute to the appeals process. Flooding was a key issue considered throughout the appeals process.


The court’s decision was finalised in November 2021. The primary changes from Council’s negotiated approval was a refinement and narrowing of the environmental covenant along Little Widgee Creek, as well as changes to street lighting conditions.

Documents relating to this matter are available for public viewing on DAs Online (Year: 2014 / Application number: 775) .

All development applications are assessed in accordance with the Gympie Regional Council’s Planning Scheme. Historical flood mapping data is used to support these decisions, with all development currently required to address Q100 flood events.  Council also considers issues of stormwater drainage, sewerage and water infrastructure as part of any development application approval process, and will sometimes include a requirement for the developer to provide key infrastructure as part of the development conditions, which is at the developer’s cost.

The Gympie Regional Council’s Planning Scheme 2013 will soon be up for review. The community will be invited to have their say on the types of development that should be supported in different areas of our region later this year.