Media Responses (26 - 30 July 2021)


Media Responses (26 - 30 July 2021)

CONTENT: Clearing of habitat, Council Invesitigations, Disaster Management Coordination Centre, RV Strategy, Sale of land with overdue rates and charges. 

ABC News: 27 July – Clearing of habitat around Gympie

On this koala dashboard map click here.
There are quite a few green dots that have “koala- ‘After 2000’” along with a start date. They don’t specify any other details. Can you clarify that the start date was when a koala was spotted? Eg. The green dot near Normanby Hill Remembrance Park  

There are two datasets used in the koala dashboard:
1. the green and yellow dots are from the Queensland Government’s WildNet database
2. the pins are from Gympie Regional Council’s citizen science project, Wildwatch Gympie.
At the top right hand corner of the map section of the dashboard, there is a legend drop down icon.
The first set of data is the Wildwatch Gympie data headed as Koala Observations. These records are often provided by community members and contain more information because Wildwatch Gympie allows the observer to collect and share more data.
If you scroll down the legend box, you will see the WildNet data options of pre- and post- 2000 sightings. This is Queensland Government data.  

Gympie Times: 27 July - Council investigations


The Services Union recently released the below press release re: an increase in the number of investigations within the council. They raise concerns some of the alleged incidents are more than five years old, and questions the fairness of how long some of these are taking.

Can I please get comment from CEO Shane Grey about the claims in this release? What is the council investigating?


Council cannot comment on any investigation or legal proceedings.


Gympie Times: 27 July - upgrade a council facility, disaster management coordination centre


What is council using the $500,000 funding from the QLD Resilience & Risk Reduction fun for?

Gympie Regional Council is delighted to have received a $500,000 share of the Commonwealth and Queensland Government’s $19 million Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund. 
The funding will be used by council to upgrade a council facility at 24 Mellor Street, Gympie as a dedicated disaster management coordination centre. 
While the project details are still being finalised, some of the works are expected to include structural improvements, such a reconfiguration of the internal walls to make the space more functional during a disaster, as well as technological improvements to support a variety of new technologies.
Moving the disaster management coordination centre to the Mellor Street location means that it will be closer to the Civic Centre, which is a disaster evacuation centre.


Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast News: 27 July – Follow up question: RV Strategy

What does this mean? It should have been endorsed already?
Keen to know what will be implemented first please? 
Where are we at with the Gympie Showgrounds camping area? 

The draft RV Strategy was presented to and discussed with Council earlier this year. Work is ongoing. The RV Strategy will be ready for review by Council by October 2021.
The first stage of works will commence later this year. The works will focus on delivering consistency across all the region’s RV parks with improved basic infrastructure such as signage, rubbish bin facilities and dog bag dispensers.
Unfortunately, the funding allocated to Tozer Street for an RV site was not transferable to the Showgrounds. At this stage there is no funding for an RV site at the showgrounds, however Council is looking at all options.


Gympie Times: 29 July - sale of land process for properties with overdue rates and charges. 


Please advise to the outcome on item 11.1 from the Ordinary Meeting 28, July



Moved Cr J Milne                                             Seconded Cr DH Stewart 

That Council resolves:

1.         In accordance with Section 140 (2) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 to sell the properties identified in the following table for overdue rates and charges.

Assessment & Property Description
1449 L1/MPH5203
6054 L7/RB96922
3282 L1/MPH31199
7611 L26/RP167031
10411 L40/RP183023
1875 L24/MPH14212
3157 L2/MPH24242
40161 L17/RP22762
3283 L4/SP197497
41387 L41/LX291
9895 L404/RP174235
4395 L41/RP906850
7814 L8/RP201162
15050 L1/SP135755
3100 L2/MPH23468
40723 L1/RP64562
12688 L14/RP815973
20912 L2/SP186162
30454 L31/RP207107
30512 L88/RP213206
6447 L29/RB96915
4181 L7/MPH7115
15182 L11/RP804763
2127 L1/MPH6956
8142 L3/RP900117
19336 L27/SP128696
21972 L7/SP196690
42186 L3/RP64733
5380 L2/RP197930
20400 L1/MPH5576
13641 L10/RP813955
41635 L7/RP819259
12722 L3/RP203137
30071 L1/RP65041
5533 L92/RP12423
5707 L22/N2981
11959 L26/MPH40846
23838 L2/SP254087
17083 L1/RP168603
345 L1/MPH6741
4390 L50/G14780
42538 L41/MZ225
18848 L12/RP865571
24682 L71/SP285767
30654 L123/RP214721
11609 L1/CP850475
22449 L126/SP207315
12851 L1/RP156370
30837 L2/RP867824
12080 L1/MPH33785
41555 L37/RP817544
30810 L87/SP124313
40363 L1/SP183092
30807 L84/SP124313
11573 L10/RP865215
21980 L114/LX807
42761 L176/RP22762
40420 L1/MPH25112
9294 L499/RP147437
42754 L73/SP216644
30853 L44/RP867825
41065 L3/RP157510
10635 L834/RP183447
30911 L46/RP838005
24074 L9/SP245747
42659 L2/RP885255
30573 L15/RP807768
16087 L83/L371026
16391 L2/RP217622
31177 L3/RP185253
41857 L4/MPH25127
2203 L1/MPH6518
16248 L2/RP174800
30661 L130/RP215117
13037 L3/RP815971
15667 L7/SP186067
5256 L9/RP12406
41324 L17/RP817550
14204 L3/RP142697
16508 L64/RP155712
12471 L5/MPH23395
11354 L2/MPH23698
31042 L29/RP224172
24066 L1/SP245747
5250 L2/RP12406
5254 L6/RP12406
5255 L7/RP12406
30596 L45/RP899154
3793 L1/MPH24011


And further;

2.         In accordance with Section 140 (3) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 that a Notice of Intention to Sell be issued for each property.



Gympie Times: 29 July – FOLLOW UP QUESTION sale of land process for properties with overdue rates and charges. 


please confirm the number of properties on the list adopted on the in committee item?


Council has now endorsed the sale of land process for properties with overdue rates and charges.  This process, in some cases, may allow ratepayers to apply for the early release of superannuation or a State Government mortgage relief loan.  Both of these financial arrangements are not available until the ratepayer is in threat of losing their home, so these ratepayers have not yet been able to access this assistance. 

Shane Gray CEO Gympie Regional Council

Further Information:
The decision to sell a property is the decision of Council and not council officers. 
These properties must have a rates debt which has a balance that has been outstanding for at least 3 years.
The discussion is held in-committee due to the privacy laws.
Council will now issue “a notice of intention to sell” to all interested parties of the land including the property owner and mortgagee.  
If the outstanding rates and charges are not paid within three (3 months), Council will proceed to auction within six (6) months, as outlined in the Local Government Regulation 2012.
In 2019 the sale of land process for overdue rates and charges commenced; however, due to Covid was ceased.
Every effort has been made to work with the owner/resident to put a suitable payment plan in place, to avoid any further action. 
Council encourages any resident who are experiencing financial difficulties to contact Council to discuss the options available