Look out its Koala Breeding Season!


Koala breeding season generally occurs between July and December. During this time, koalas are more active, often traveling in search of mates. This increased movement puts them at greater risk, particularly around roads and urban areas.

To ensure the safety of our koala population, Gympie Regional Council is reminding residents to look out for our little mates while they search for theirs. Most importantly, Remember these four important tips during koala breeding season:

· Slow down and take extra care on the roads between dusk and dawn.

· Keep rescue numbers on hand for koala emergencies.

· Contain or restrain your dogs at night and inspect unusual amounts of barking.

· Report koala sightings to council’s Wildwatch Gympie.

Dan Morgan, Coordinator of Environment Services at Gympie Regional Council encourages the Gympie region community to stay alert from now until December.

“We encourage residents to be extra vigilant during this time and to report any koala sightings to Wildwatch Gympie,

Wildwatch Gympie assists council and community groups in the monitoring and conservation of the koala population in our region and provides us with valuable data to better understand their movements and health, so every recording counts,” He said.

Michelle Daly, Public Relations Officer for Koala Action Gympie Region emphasises that everyone has a responsibility during koala breeding season.

“The wildlife hospitals call this ‘trauma-season’ for koalas as all the extra activity results in a sharp rise in road strikes and dog attacks.

“Every healthy koala kept safe from car strike and dog interaction, is one that can help keep our precious koala populations going.  We as a community can all play a part, not least of which is sharing the awareness message,” She said.

For more information on Wildwatch Gympie, visit [http://www.gympie.qld.gov.au/wildwatchgympie](http://www.gympie.qld.gov.au/wildwatchgympie "smartCard-inline")